Tag Archives: high school sports


Team Banners and Flags, spirit flag, spirit flags, team flag, team flags, school flag, school flags, high school flag, high school flags, custom flag, custom flags

As a business owner for a business whose main client is schools, I have been reflecting on the past year and what it has done to the school unit and school spirit.  Among the long list of things that schools provide, one important item is community.  Even on the 200th day of school when students are tired and educators are weary. There is a human need that is fulfilled every school morning as the students filter in through the front door and the office is bustling with absence excuse notes, pleadings for leniency on late papers, re-filling the coffee cup of a history teacher and many more goings on.  

People need community and fellowship, and for children, the majority of that comes from the 40 hours each week that they are in school.  In the past 12 months, that community has suffered.  Come August 2021 when we return to school in person, the members of the school community will need to re-learn how to act and react in this community environment having been out of practice for over a year.

I would submit that the best and easiest way to get back into the swing of things is with extracurricular activities.  Schools need to re-build that much needed school spirit that nudges the students and faculty to attend a volleyball game instead of staying home and watching a movie on some streaming service that has become such a part of our lives.

Here at The Booster Banner Store, we are ready to help.

One of the single most important things a school can do to raise interest and spirit in their programs is to display and sell our 3’x5’ Custom Spirit Flags.  As a Booster Club President for 4 years, I can attest to the fact that Spirit Flags are a game changer when it comes to school spirit.  They are so inexpensive, each student will want one.  Local businesses will fly them out front or hang them on their walls to show support.  You might even see one on the wall behind the attendance clerk’s desk.  Most schools pull a dozen or so out of the box and display them on the stadium fencing or at the entrance to the school.  The remainder are offered up the the students and general public and the funds generated are added to the booster club money to, in-turn, supply much needed equipment for the school.

These 3’x5’ Spirit Flags are a win-win.

We are so confidant that you will love them and sell out, that we offer a guarantee to buy them back from you if you don’t.

This is a truly a RISK FREE OFFER.

Call us today 817-888-8822 or visit our website www.BoosterBannerStore.com to see how you can boost your schools spirit . 

The hidden benefit of Spirit Flags

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3’x5’ Spirit Flags are an outstanding fundraiser for high school sports teams. The benefit goes well beyond the money that is collected from selling the flags to students, local businesses etc. Since each spirit flag is purchased with displaying it in mind, your team reaps the benefit of having hundreds of flags with your logo and colors, flying in support of your program.


Imagine your team on the bus rolling into a town for a game and seeing hundreds of flags of the opposing team, flying from every building and corner telephone post along your route. Your team might begin to wonder just what is happening so special in this town, with this team. Why is everyone so supportive?


This support is the secondary or perhaps the main benefit of the 3’x5’ spirit flags.


See just how easy it is to get started at www.boosterbannerstore.com