Tag Archives: team flags

Cheer Flags a.k.a…

Team Banners and Flags, Field Runner, field runners, Cheer Flag, cheer flags, Cheerleader Flag, cheerleader flags, battle flag, battle flags, spirit flag, spirit flags, team flag, team flags, running flag, running flags, custom flag, custom flags

So, what is a Cheer Flag?

What do you call the flag on the long pole that leads the team out onto the field?  

What do you call those large flags that have individual letters on them that the cheer leaders run down the sideline after the team scores a touchdown?  

What do you call those flags that competitive cheer teams use during their competitions?

 I call them Field Runners I am not emotionally attached to the name so if you prefer Cheer Flag or Team Flag or Battle Flag or Mascot Flag or Spirit Flag, that is fine with me, I just want to make sure that we are all on the same page when you are in the market for that type of flag.   For the purpose of this article, I am going to use the more accepted name… Cheer Flag.

A little history on the Cheer Flag.  Long ago, Cheer Flags were mostly made with simple designs and that design was cut out of fabric and appliqued onto the square or rectangle fabric that was being used for the background.  These were great for their day but they were heavy, costly and frankly the designs were pretty basic. With the advent of modern printing methods, we can now produce Cheer Flags with high quality, crisp and vibrant images with unlimited colors.

So, let’s talk about double sided flags.  Often, I get a quote request that has the phrase, “and I want them double sided”.  The problem with the phrase “double sided” is, it can mean different things to different people.  Almost every flag flying in the world today is “double sided” much like an American Flag is “double sided”, but, the most flags are a single ply of material so, obviously, the back side is a reverse image, just like it is on the American Flag.  This can present some problems when you are using letters or words.  

So, why don’t we just use 2 plies of material and print them correctly on both sides?  The first answer is, we do, we don’t like to for reasons to follow, but if you want them printed two sides correct, we will certainly do it. 

Why don’t we like to? 

They are heavy:  To make it work without the two images conflicting with each other, we either have to use an opaque material (very heavy) for the 2 plies or we need to use a third layer in the middle that is called a blockout ply and prevents the light from causing the two images to conflict.  So, you either have 2 very heavy plies or 3 moderately heavy plies, neither is a good option.  You might think you can just get a larger, stronger person to run the flag and that would be a good option except the problem with the weight is that is requires much more air passing by to make it fly properly so what you need is a bigger, stronger person that is also a track star…hard to find.

They look goofy.  Believe me, when I began this business back in 2009, I was so sure that I knew best, that I went against all recommendations and printed 500 flags for our booster club, backwards.  My idea what that we would alternate the flags so, no matter which way the wind was blowing, half of the flags would be read correctly.  Boy was I wrong.  Putting the end that should be trailing in the wind, up against the pole is the same as the back side of a two-side-correct flag.  Imagine an American Flag with the stripes against the pole and the blue field with the white stars whipping in the wind…it just looks terrible.

They are expensive.  The cost to print doubles, the cost of the fabric triples, the cost to sew them together doubles.

So, how do we tackle flags with wording or letters on them?  We do them like every other flag and our amazing brains just fix it for us.  This has never been more evident to me than the day I went to see Texas Tech play Baylor in the Dallas Cowboy’s Stadium.  The cheer team for Baylor had 5 Cheer Flags that spelled B E A R S.  The cheer team for Texas Tech had 7 cheer flags that spelled R A I D E R S.  The teams ran onto the field from different corners and no matter what direct they were running, there was no doubt in my mind that the flags spelled out BEARS and RAIDERS.  You probably have not noticed this in the past but, next time you drive by a Subway sandwich shop, take a look at the feather flags that say SUBWAY on them, they are backwards on the back side and yet, you still know it is Subway.

Now that we have beaten the double-sided issue to death.  Let’s talk about fabric.  When I get a specific request about types of fabric is it always Nylon that is requested.  Nylon is a requested fabric because it is light weight and is associated with strength because it is used for sails on boats.  The problem with Nylon is that it is made of slick plastic strands and because of that, it does not soak up ink well.  This means that, if you want to put a detailed image on it, you must use paint which is expensive and not at all durable.  

We use polyester for our flags.  Polyester is lightweight, extremely durable and strong.  It also takes ink very well so we can print vibrant images to help you support your program.  We use different types of polyester for different types of flags.  For our Cheer Flags, we use 140gsm knitted polyester which has a high sheen and gives us the best durability that still allows a good bleed through of the image to the back side.

We make our Cheer Flags with 6cm pole sleeves that are closed on top and we put a tether strap on the bottom to secure it to the pole.  The 6cm pole sleeve is able to accept up to a 1-inch diameter pole, if you want to use a larger pole, we can adjust the size of the sleeve.

Size does matter.  For our college and pro teams, we recommend our 8’x12’ Cheer Flag.  Our most popular Cheer Flag for high schools is our 5’x7’.  Most middle schools use our 4’x6’ Cheer Flags.  Having said all of that, we can make them any size or shape you need so just let us know and we will work up a quote for you.

Last but not least, we are proud of our products and proud of our prices so we put all of them on our website for everyone to see.  Check them out at https://cheer.boosterbannerstore.com/product/field-runners/ or www.bbsflags.com

Let’s Talk About Field Runner Flag Poles

Team Banners and Flags, Field Runner Flag Poles

Let’s talk about Field Runner Flag Poles.  A Field Runner or a group a Field Runners is a must for any Sports Team.  Field Runners energize the crowd and show the Team’s colors.  You might know them as Spirit Flags, Spirit Banners, Team Flags, Team Banners or Battle Flags.  Whatever you call them, you need high quality Flag Poles to run with them effectively.

 In the past, many teams used PVC pipe for Flag Poles.  You can always tell who is using PVC because the pole bends and the Flag drapes instead of standing up tall and proud.  The other problem with PVC is transporting it because it does not break down into a manageable length so you have to find a vehicle that enables you to stuff a 10’ pole inside.  A better alternative to PVC was metal conduit, it solved the bending problem but they are heavy and also difficult to transport.  

After years of being asked, we finally got together with a company right here in the USA and collaborated to make the Ultimate Field Runner Flag Poles.  A Booster Banner Store Exclusive, our poles are the best in the industry.  Our Field Runner Flag Poles are made of 1” Aircraft Aluminum and break down into 24” sections for easy transport.  The pole sections are held together with shock cord so assembly and dis-assembly are a snap.  The poles are strong enough to run with our HUGE 8’x12’ Field Runner and keep it flying tall and proud.  They come in standard 10’ and 12’ sizes but we can make them in any length.  Just click on the “Field Runner” tab or “Field Runner Pole” tab, to order.

If you are in the market for a custom designed Tee or Sweatshirt, visit our friends at https://www.titustdesigns.com/

Field Runner Pole

The hidden benefit of Spirit Flags

spirit flag, spirit flags, team flag, team flags, school flag, school flags, high school flag, high school flags, custom flag, custom flags

3’x5’ Spirit Flags are an outstanding fundraiser for high school sports teams. The benefit goes well beyond the money that is collected from selling the flags to students, local businesses etc. Since each spirit flag is purchased with displaying it in mind, your team reaps the benefit of having hundreds of flags with your logo and colors, flying in support of your program.


Imagine your team on the bus rolling into a town for a game and seeing hundreds of flags of the opposing team, flying from every building and corner telephone post along your route. Your team might begin to wonder just what is happening so special in this town, with this team. Why is everyone so supportive?


This support is the secondary or perhaps the main benefit of the 3’x5’ spirit flags.


See just how easy it is to get started at www.boosterbannerstore.com

Custom Flags – Stadium Flags vs Spirit Flags

Team Banners and Flags, spirit flag, spirit flags, team flag, team flags, school flag, school flags, high school flag, high school flags, custom flag, custom flags

The one question I get asked most often about our custom flags is, “what is the difference between your custom 3’x5′ stadium flags and your custom 3’x5′ spirit flags.”

There are more than just a few differences and I will try to explain them all here.

First, let me start by saying, the most important criteria when selecting a type of flag and the question I ask every customer is, “what are you going to do with your flags, what are you trying to accomplish.”  Not many people know what kind of flag they want but almost everyone knows what they want to accomplish.  I will first address a bullet list of the differences between the two types of flags and then I will address how to accomplish some common goals with flags.

Custom 3’x5′ Spirit Flags

– made of 100 D (denier) polyester

– lightweight, fly in very little wind

– minimum order is 50

– all flags have to be the same design/colors

– no blended colors, screen printed, prices include 2 colors plus white (extra colors slight up charge)

– normally come with grommets but can be made with pole sleeves

– tightly woven fabric so images are very crisp and colors are vibrant

– come in rectangle only

Custom 3’x5′ Stadium Flags

– made of 140gsm (grams per square meter) polyester

– fly very well but not as easily as spirit flags

– minimum order is 1

– each flag in the same order can be different

– blended colors are ok, even photos, colors are unlimited

– normally come with a pole sleeve but can be made with grommets

– coarser fabric, images are crisp but not as crisp as spirit flags, colors are good but not as vibrant as spirit flags

– come in rectangle or pennant shape

Now that we have that out of the way, how should you use them.  Let’s explore that, using some common goals.

Scenerio 1:  “I want 10 flags for my stadium,  all of the same design, what is my best option”, my first question is, “are you flying them 24/7 or just on game days?”, if the answer is 24/7 then the only good answer is Spirit Flags because you would not want to spend the money ($65 each) for stadium flags and wear them out in just one season.  If they will only be flown on game days, the answer gets a little more complicated.

Lets look at Stadium flags for this application – 10 3’x5′ stadium flags are $650 plus $30 shipping.  If you are putting them up and taking them down you will probably want our pole holders which are $8 each, so your total bill is $760 for 10 flags that will last you for many seasons since you will only be flying them 5 days a year for football and about 25 days a year for baseball at your home games.

Now let’s look at Spirit Flags for this application – 100 3’x5′ spirit flags are $1050 plus $30 shipping.  Since the spirit flags are so inexpensive, it only makes sense to put them up at the beginning of the season and take them down and throw them away when the season is over.  Take 50 flags out of the box and put them in a safe place so you will have 10 crisp new flags each year for the next 5 years.  Take the other 50 flags to your first game and put a booster club member in charge of selling them for $20 each.  In most cases, you will sell all 50 the first game and make $1000 so your net cost of having stadium flags for 5 years is $80, not bad.  You don’t need the pole holders since you are going to semi-permanently attach the poles to the stadium and leave them up.

Scenario 2:  “I want 50 flags for my stadium but I want half red and have blue”.  Again I ask, “24/7 or just game days”.  If it is just game days, we have about the same situation.

Stadium Flags – 25 red and 25 blue flags along with pole holders and shipping are $2050.

Spirit Flags – 100 Red and 100 blue flags are two separate orders so they cost $1080 each for a total of $2160.  Again, no need to get pole holders, use 50 per year and leave them up and you have 4 years of crisp flags.  If you are an entrepreneur,  go ahead and get the pole holders so your total bill is $2390.  Take 25 out of each box, sell the remaining 150 flags for $20 each and you now have $3000 which is a $610 profit in addition to your 50 free stadium flags and poles.

Now that I have your appetite wetted for selling Spirit Flags, let’s see just how far we can take this.

The more you buy, the cheaper they are.  The cheaper they are, the lower the price you can sell them for and the higher the profit margin,  The lower the price you sell them, the more you sell…you get the idea.  250 are just $9 each, 500 are just $7.50 each and 1000 are just $5.50 plus shipping.

The fundraising side of the Spirit Flags is nice but, I prefer the Spirit Raising side.  Our Spirit Flags have breathed new life into struggling sports programs across the country.

Consider the case of one such rural community in Texas.  Wins had come hard for this high school football program and as we all know, the school and every other program lives and breathes on the interest garnered by the football program.  On a typical Friday night during football season, the stands were half full and the team was loosing.  Enter the Spirit Flags.  The booster club bought and sold 1500 spirit flags one year.  They sold them to students and businesses all over town.  Suddenly there were flags flying all over town and everyone was curious to see what what was happening with the football program.  What do curious people do?  They go see what the fuss is all about.  Now, the stands were full and the school even had to put ropes around the end zones for standing room only areas to handle the overflow.  The team started winning and made the playoffs for 4 straight years. Was it all the spirit flags?  Well, I’m not going to say it wasn’t.

Now here is the un-calculated benefit…ticket sales to Friday night games are $6 each and with an increase of just 1000 tickets per game equals 5000 tickets a season and that is an additional $30,000 for the sports programs…just sayin!

Boost Your Team Spirit

6'X10' Field Runner, Cheer Flag, Cheerleader Flag

Field Runners are the perfect way to lead your team onto the field or play and boost your team spirit.   Whether into the stadium or into the Gymnasium, these vibrant flags will get the crowd up and on their feet.  Available in 3’x5′, 5’x7′, 6’x10′ and 8’x12′.